Showing: 6 - 10 of 19 RESULTS
Aging Allergy Cell Function Chronic Fatigue Cognitive Performance Depression Dietary Therapies Gut Health Inflammation Neurodegeneration Nutritional Therapies Overweight

Lecithin: Uses, Health Benefits, Dangers

Lecithin is a fatty substance that occurs in many plant and animal tissues. Lecithin benefits are due to it being an excellent source of phospholipids, which are the largest component of membranes in the body (eg, cell membranes). (R) Lecithin is rich in phospholipids, including phophatidylcholine (PPC), phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine, (R) phosphatidylserine and phosphatidic acid. (R) …

mitochondrial function
Cell Function Chronic Fatigue Cognitive Performance Overweight Toxicity

Boost Mitochondrial Function With 18 Therapies

Mitochondria are found in most types of human cells, and mitochondrial function leads to production of your energy currency, ATP. Most cells contain thousands of mitochondria, while the heart and brain have some 10,000 per cell. (R) Because of the key roles mitochondria play in energy production, enhancing mitochondrial function may be the lynchpin to …

Aging Allergy Cell Function Chronic Fatigue Cognitive Performance Diabetes Exercise Capacity Herbal Therapies Infection Inflammation Neurodegeneration Toxicity

Astragalus: Top Health Benefits, Dosing, Safety

Astragalus is an adaptogen, or tonifying herb, that is of high importance in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It contains hundreds of active compounds, (R) and broadly fights inflammatory disease in the heart, brain, kidney, liver, lung, and intestines. (R) In addition to powerfully fighting inflammation, it also boasts high antioxidant activity and modulates the immune system …

Rhodiola rosea plant
Allergy Anxiety Cell Function Chronic Fatigue Cognitive Performance Depression Diabetes Exercise Capacity Herbal Therapies Infection Inflammation Neurodegeneration Pain Toxicity

The 16 Most Astonishing Scientific Benefits of Rhodiola Rosea

The adaptogenic herb Rhodiola Rosea – and its most potent bioactive component, salidroside – has proven itself a worthy addition to your health regimen in many categories: it’s adaptogenic, antifatigue, antidepressant, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anticancer, and modulates the immune system in beneficial ways. (R) Read on to learn the multifaceted benefits of Rhodiola.

Math on blackboard
Cognitive Performance Exercise Capacity Nootropics Therapies

The Science for Supplementation with Alpha GPC

Alpha GPC shows enormous potential as a cognition-enhancing substance, particularly for those with dementia and other cognitive challenges, through its action on acetylcholine and other neurotransmitters. It also shows promise as a therapy in several other areas, including physical performance and offsetting the damage of radiation therapy. Read on to learn why Alpha GPC is …