With all the demands on us today, it’s no wonder that we rely on caffeine and sugar just to stay awake. Low-quality sleep and on-the-go eating compound the stress of long commutes, child-rearing and working.
Having lived with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since 2011, I’ve learned just how inadequate most doctors are in curing fatigue. Self-care, and self-study, are necessities for me at this point.
If you struggle with fatigue or need additional energy to handle your responsibilities, read on.
Stress, thought to be responsible for up to 90% of visits to the doctor, is omnipresent. Acute or chronic stress leads to dysfunction in the brain and adrenal glands, known as HPA axis dysfunction, or dysautonomia.
Symptoms of dysautonomia include a tendency to startle and become irritated easily, low blood pressure, trouble sleeping, sensitivity to light, cravings for sweets and lower back pain.
If you suspect you have dysautonomia, ask your doctor to check if your pupils contract totally in bright light and whether your blood pressure stays normal when you stand up after lying down. Also ask to have your saliva tested for stress hormone levels.
During a period of severe fatigue, my saliva tested very low for cortisol, one of the primary hormones released by the adrenals.
If your energy dips in the afternoon, this may be due to insufficient cortisol. Eating a protein-rich snack at that time every day will help.

Inadequate Diet
Diets high in processed sweet and starchy foods like bagels, cereal, snack bars, and muffins, are anti-energy for two reasons:
First, sugary foods (and caffeine!) send your blood sugar on a rollercoaster ride, charging you up before you dropping you down.
Second, eating a diet high in carbohydrates, or eating lightly (as when dieting), provides too little of the essential amino acids your body uses to produce the energizing hormones dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline.
Amino acids are present in protein, so eating protein-containing foods several times a day is super helpful in the long run.
If you are a light eater or rely on sweets to keep going, consider supplementing with tyrosine. Take a dose of 100-1,000 mg first thing in the morning. You may take a second dose in the afternoon.
Or, take DLPA in a dose of 500 to 1,000 mg first thing in the morning, repeating in the afternoon if you wish. DLPA’s side benefits include acting as a mild painkiller and antidepressant.
Taking fish oil, flax seed or another omega-3 fatty acid supplement will also improve levels of energizing hormones by up to 40%.
Low Thyroid
Low thyroid, present in about 10% of the population, triggers fatigue, increased need for sleep, headaches, tendency toward weight gain and difficulty losing weight, a hoarse voice, trouble concentrating, and depression.
It often begins with a tonsillectomy, the start of menstruation or the onset of menopause. Men over 60 also experience a high rate of low thyroid. Finally, prolonged or frequent dieting can also result in down-tuned thyroid function.
To protect your thyroid, eat a diet with enough iodine from sources like Celtic sea salt. Also avoid soy foods, which suppress thyroid function from as little as 3 tablespoons a day.
Also avoid foods containing gluten, including wheat, rye, oats and barley.
Lastly, fluoride and chlorine both suppress thyroid; if they are present in your drinking water, get a home filtration system that removes both.
Sex Hormones
Estrogen and testosterone’s interaction with chemicals in the brain links your levels of these two sex hormones to your physical energy.
In menopause and andropause (male menopause) your sex hormone levels may drop by as much as 90%, particularly if you eat a poor diet high in refined carbs and lead a stressful life.
If you experience fatigue and have severe PMS, are in menopause or andropause, or are approaching menopause, ask your doctor for a saliva test to measure your levels of these hormones.

Poor Sleep
Most people would benefit from more, and higher quality, sleep.
If your sleep is inadequate, take a 5-HTP supplement in a dose of 50-200 mg an hour before bed. 5-HTP is converted into the soothing neurotransmitter serotonin, then the sleep hormone melatonin.
Other practices to try include getting sun exposure early in the day to help regulate melatonin levels, waking up and going to sleep the same time every night, and checking to see if you snore.
Alcohol, nicotine and caffeine all disrupt normal sleep.
Read my article on dozens of insomnia cures.
Lack of Exercise
Exercise releases feel-good endorphins to raise both energy and mood and is proven to reduce both fatigue and depression. Exercise may also help raise testosterone levels.
Getting little exercise or sun exposure (helpful for vitamin D production) contributes to low mood, poor sleep and decreased nutrient absorption.
In a depleted state, however, exercise may tax your body further, worsening the fatigue. If this is the case, pursue other treatments and rest until exercise does you more good than harm.
Lack of Rest
Though many people would benefit from additional exercise, rest is even more important. Eating well in a calm environment, making time for friends, retaining a sense of humor and spending time outdoors all contribute to improved overall well-being.
Also explore alternative modalities including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage and aromatherapy to de-stress and rebuild energy.
Most people suffer from vitamin D deficiency, so spending more time outdoors or supplementing with the nutrient can help. Acupuncture can also help in raising endorphin levels.