Showing: 11 - 14 of 14 RESULTS
JIaogulan plant
Anxiety Cell Function Cognitive Performance Exercise Capacity Gut Health Herbal Therapies Infection Inflammation

Jiaogulan/Gynostemma’s Top 11 Health Uses

The herbal medicine known as jiaogulan in Asia (and gynostemma in the West) is used widely in East and Southeast Asian traditional medicine. (R) Some of the conditions it’s most commonly prescribed for in Asia include diabetes, hepatitis and cardiovascular disease, (R) with evidence mounting for its use in the treatment of cancer and various …

running woman
Cognitive Performance Depression Diabetes Exercise Capacity Gut Health Herbal Therapies Infection Inflammation Therapies

Eleuthero’s Top 11 Health Uses and Benefits

Eleuthero, AKA Siberian ginseng, is an herb used traditionally in Russia and East Asia for many reasons, including reduction of stress and fatigue (R) and treatment of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, among others. (R) Despite the name, Siberian ginseng is actually distinct from the “true” ginsengs: Korean ginseng, Asian ginseng, and American ginseng. It’s …

schisandra chinensis fruit
Cell Function Cognitive Performance Depression Exercise Capacity Herbal Therapies Infection Inflammation Insomnia

The 11 Best Reasons to Supplement With Schisandra

Schisandra is an adaptogenic herb with thousands of years of use in traditional medicine in East Asia. (R) Some 35 compounds have been isolated to date, (R) with many found to have unique benefits across the spectrum I detail below. I’ve noticed it improves my sleep and my mood when I take it consistently.

mediterranean olive leaf
Diabetes Dietary Therapies Herbal Therapies Infection Inflammation

Olive Leaf Extract’s 9 Most Radical Health Benefits

Olive leaves have been traditionally used in many Mediterranean, North African, and Middle Eastern cultures.  They’re rich in flavonoids and other health-promoting compounds, including oleuropein, (R) which is highlighted in a number of the studies discussed below. These compounds have various antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, heart-protecting, (R) anti-cancer, antiviral, and antibacterial effects. (R) Olive leaf extract …