Showing: 6 - 7 of 7 RESULTS
Allergy Chronic Fatigue Cognitive Performance Fibromyalgia Inflammation Insomnia Medication Pain

Why Benzodiazepenes Benefit Chronic Fatigue

Benzos like Xanax and Klonopin are some of the most powerful therapies I’ve come across for treating my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. They boost my energy – paradoxically – for one to three days after taking a dose, and this is typical among people with CFS. Let’s dig into the science of how benzos address some …

sugar cubes
Allergy Depression Dietary Therapies Nutritional Therapies Overweight Skin Issues

Why You Crave Sugar and How to Stop

We often demonize sugar cravings while blaming ourselves for a supposed lack of self-discipline. Restriction of problem foods leads to feelings of deprivation, causing binging and remorse in an unhealthy cycle of see-saw dieting. Let’s take a gentler point of view, seeing cravings instead as a great starting point for understanding what our bodies’ true …