Showing: 6 - 10 of 41 RESULTS
Anxiety Cell Function Depression Inflammation Insomnia Lifestyle Therapies Pain

Earthing and Grounding: How to Earth Yourself

While “earthing” may sound like a far-out hippy practice without real rationale behind it, earthing benefits are backed by very good theory and some promising research. While earthing and grounding need further research, the hundreds of people studied thus far have seen that the benefits of earthing include lowering inflammation, improving sleep and recovery times …

brain graphic
Chronic Fatigue Cognitive Performance Herbal Therapies Neurodegeneration Nootropics Nutritional Therapies

Mental Fatigue: The Top 10 Best Supplements

Wondering how to improve focus? If you struggle with mental fatigue, you know the frustration in trying to perform while mentally exhausted. Mental fatigue supplements supply crucial nutrition that boosts brain performance. Here is a master list of natural substances, including herbs and compounds found in the body, that we know treat mental fatigue and …

Aging Allergy Cell Function Chronic Fatigue Cognitive Performance Depression Dietary Therapies Gut Health Inflammation Neurodegeneration Nutritional Therapies Overweight

Lecithin: Uses, Health Benefits, Dangers

Lecithin is a fatty substance that occurs in many plant and animal tissues. Lecithin benefits are due to it being an excellent source of phospholipids, which are the largest component of membranes in the body (eg, cell membranes). (R) Lecithin is rich in phospholipids, including phophatidylcholine (PPC), phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine, (R) phosphatidylserine and phosphatidic acid. (R) …

Allergy Anxiety Chronic Fatigue Toxicity

How I Recovered From Chemical & EMF Sensitivity

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a condition in which you develop hypersensitizy to chemical contact; the exposure can come through inhalation, skin contact or ingestion. Chemical sensitivity can be relatively mild or manifest in extreme ways. MCS is very common in people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. This is an illness with a lot …

Anxiety Chronic Fatigue Fibromyalgia Inflammation Pain Toxicity

Treating Pain in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Guide

Pain in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can come in the form of burning muscle pain after exertion or chronic burning pain and skin sensitivity known as fibromyalgia. Many people have both CFS and its “sister,” FM. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Treatment Guide theorizes that this pain is generated mostly in the brain and spinal cord. In …